Thursday 15 October 2015

College Magazine Questionnaire

College Magazine Questionnaire

      1)     Do you read the college magazine? (Please Circle)
      2)     What would you like in the magazine?

      3)     What would you like as your main cover image? (Tick one)
Student: __
Teacher: __
Student’s work: __
Technology: __
Other: __   (Please state)  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

       4)     What should the magazine be called?

       5)     How often would you like it published? (Please Circle)
Weekly        Fortnightly        Every Term         Monthly

        6)     Would Freebies encourage you to buy the magazine? (Please Circle)

        7)     Would you subscribe to an online version?  (Please Circle)

        8)     What font would attract you?

        9)     How much would you pay for the magazine? (Please Circle)

50p                           £1                           £2

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