Tuesday 13 October 2015

Feature Article Analysis

In this NME feature article, the title is ‘Drake’s Progress’. It is very bold and easy to see, and also easily tells the audience who the article is about. It includes a kicker which tells the audience more information about his life and what he’s talked about. They have used big, bold text for the pull quote. This quote is used to make the audience look at it and want to read on. If the pull quote is boring and not understandable, then the audience may not want to carry on reading. That’s why a good, interesting pull quote is vital. They have used a drop cap for effect. They have used two gutters to break up the texts into columns. This allows the audience to not just look down one column of text. Having to do that could get boring for the reader because it makes the texts look longer which to much content. The main body text (main article itself) is laid out well and is easy to read and take in. They’ve only used two colours for the texts so this makes it simple yet effective. 

In this feature article, the title is ‘The Vaccines’ which is also the name of the band. The font is black with a white background so it is easy to read for the audience. Underneath the title, the magazine has included a kicker. This is useful for the audience because it’s basically more information of the article and what it’s about. One of the members of the group ‘Justin Young’ made a quote in the article which was chosen by the magazine to be a pull quote. (“We are a pop band and we want to be a pop band”). They have used a drop cap for the beginning of their paragraphs to show clearly to the audience when a new paragraph has been performed. They have used one gutter to separate the two columns of writing. This makes it easier for the audience as reading one column of lots of text can be difficult and repetitive.  The colour palette used is mainly black and blue. Using only two colours makes it simpler for the audience when reading the article and it’s not too confusing. The main body of the article is laid out well as it’s not all in one big clump of text and it’s spaced out well. 

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