Tuesday 17 November 2015

Questionnaire Results Analysis

Questionnaire Results Analysis I will be analysing a few questions from my questionnaire to get a good idea of what the answers we’re like and whether or not they’ll steer me one way or another in my decision making for a final pieces. Q3.In this question, I asked the question of ‘What would you like to be on the front cover of the Rap music magazine?’ The answers I received we’re very one sided for Band/Artist. The other option, CD Covers, got only 1 vote to Band/Artist’s 11. Because of this, I will be making the front cover of my final piece, a picture of a Band/Artist. Q4. In this question I asked ‘What should the magazine be called?’ I got all different answers, including the following: MC Weekly, Hip Hop/Rap Central, Rap Music Weekly, Rock Weekly, Rap Central, Cha-Ching, RAP, Rap 101, R and RAP R US. I like a couple of the suggestions but am yet to decide whether I will use one of them as I am going to an American theme to my ‘Rap’ genre magazine. Q5. In this question, I asked ‘How often should the magazine be published?’ and although it was close, the most votes was for the magazine to be published every fortnight, so that is what I’ll be going for. Q6. My question 6 was ‘Would freebies encourage you to buy the magazine?’ And the 11 people said yes, and 1 person said no. Therefore I will be including freebies in my magazine. Q7. My question 7 was ‘Would you subscribe to an online version?’ and although it was close, the majority vote was yes, so therefore I will be including a subscription option on my final piece.

Questionnaire Results

Friday 13 November 2015

Font and Colour Mood Board Analysis

Font and Colour Mood Board Analysis Font- The font that is used in any magazine is very important. It needs to be clear, bold and easy to read. For a masthead or any sorry of heading, it is doubly important that the font stands out and catches the audience’s eye. Although this may be tricky, the font should also have a slight connection to the genre (of the music magazine) to indicate to the audience that it is in fact that genre. For example, for rock music, because it is very loud and hard-hitting music, it would include spikier, pointier text. Whereas more indie, hip-hop music on the other hand, it more happy and relaxed so the font would be more curved, plump or cloud-like shaped. For my rap magazine, I am going to use big bold text, with an American type of theme due to the popularity that rap has in America. Colour- Similarly to the font in a magazine, the colours used throughout the magazine is also very important. On the front cover of a magazine, the amount of colours used should be limited to about 4 maximum. This is so the front over doesn’t look untidy and scruffy. The colour palette is important because really it should have a connection with the genre of the music that you’re doing. For example, the gothic, rock, punk, music magazines will include darker colours like black, grey, navy etc. On the other hand, indie, RnB, hip-hop genre magazines will included brighter colours like red, orange, yellow, green etc. In my magazine, because it is Rap (quite a deep, emotional genre), the colours I’m mostly going to use will be black and white. But because of the American Theme I’m doing, there will be hints of blue and red also.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Target Audience Mood Board Analysis

Target Audience Mood Board Analysis One element of my target audience for Rap is fans of music and rap music in particular. The audience have probably been attracted to the genre by a specific rapper. This is why on my mood board, I have included a various number of different rappers. Famous rappers including Eminem, Stormzy, Fetty Wap, Kanye West, Jay Z and Tupac. These famous rappers start off the trend for people to get into their genre of music. Another part of the target audience that would be associated with Rap would be the male gender. Men like the masculinity of the genre and the emotions that are portrayed. The majority of rapper are male and rap about very sensitive subjects, this is why men can relate to rappers. Therefore, I have included male linked images such as JD, Nike, Adidas and Jordan’s. Rappers lyrics are often very deep and as I previously mentioned, very sensitive. This can attract a very specific because people are going through the subjects/topics that the rappers are rapping about. For example depression, alcoholism, addictions, abuse etc. This is why in my mood board, I have included images of the following: Drugs, self-harm, alcohol, a gun, and abuse and knuckle dusters. Finally, some rappers are very religious, and rap about their religious beliefs. This is why in my mood board I have included a picture of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Advertisers Mood Board Analysis

Advertisers Mood Board Analysis In my advertiser’s mood board, I have used various images that would link to my target audience. Because the genre of my upcoming music magazine is Rap, my target audience is fairly specific. The main target audience that are interested in Rap (from a genders perspective) would be males. This is due to the deep emotions that are portrayed when rapping, and also the fact that the majority of rappers are male themselves. There’s also an element of masculinity within Rap, and this is why men listen to it more than women, to interact with that sense of masculinity. This is why, although there is a minor popularity for Rap from women, the vast majority of my mood board contains male brands or products. For example, brands such as Nike, Adidas, JD, LYNX and Jordan have all been included on my mood board to portray the male gender. Although I’ve said the majority of Rap fans are male, as a whole, the popularity of Rap is due to the fact people like that sort of music. The emotional, fast-pasted intelligence of it all really takes peoples fancy. This is why I have included on my mood board a number of music brands. Brands such as HMV, Lost Wax Records, MTV, Beats Music and Audio Voice Systems. And finally, the audience will be a number of teenagers or young adults. Because of this, I have included a number of social networking brands to portray this demographic. Brands such as Twitter, Facebook and Google.